J. Blair........New York, NY
Here's St. Louis Tommy accepting the ABAGNALE trophy
for website excellence on April 1, 2008. The trophy was
presented by Abagnale
Award Committee Chairman,
Fred Demara Jr. in the Empire Room of the Waldorf
downtown Manhattan.

Later that evening, Tommy hosted a spectacular party
in the
Starlight Roof Lounge
for his old Bronx friends
from the James A. Thomas Center
- Rikers
St. Louis Tommy enjoyed getting out in the Big Apple for
day to
RatPackStLouis.com and especially
relished receiving autographed
photos from
Derek Jeter, Rudy
Giuliani, and Paris Hilton.

Not wanting to turn into a pumpkin,
St Louis Tommy
reluctantly, but quietly
headed out at 11:50 P.M. with his
escort, MS Kimmy.
Tommy caught some of the sights while
in New York City
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page added April 1, 2008