Baldwin City - Norwood - Ottawa
66006 Kansas 66067
Hobo Gathering May 21-23, 2004
Hosted by Mama JO & Liberty Justice
Hobo Gatherings have previously been held in Baldwin City, however not within
the last few years. This One-Time Event was planned by Mama JO and Liberty
Justice early last year, however Liberty was hospitalized shortly thereafter,
but Mama JO decided to carry on. Several others stepped in to help out and to
make the Baldwin City Area come alive with Hoboes once again. I don’t want to
try to name everyone that chipped in because I would probably miss someone. I
will say that Hobo Santa appeared to rise to the occasion to be Mama JO’s
right hand man. I asked Mama JO about her helper and she stated that she has
been married to Santa for 43 years now, and yes, he was a "keeper".

Liberty (Hobo King 1996) spent several months in the hospital and has now
returned home to recuperate with Brender’s assistance. Liberty did make it to
the Hobo Jungle in Norwood, KS and appeared on stage to commend Mama JO’s hard
work on making 2004 Baldwin City a reality. Everyone was happy that Liberty was
out of the hospital, even though he had to carry oxygen with him.
As I mentioned, the Hobo Jungle was actually in Norwood, Kansas. The town of
Norwood, some 5 miles out from Baldwin City, was founded in 1873 as a stop on
the old Leavenworth, Lawrence and Ft. Gibson railroad. Population peaked in 1900
at fifty people. The town included a blacksmith shop and a grain elevator along
with only three houses. In the 1920’s most of the people had moved out to
Baldwin City or to Ottawa. Today, a small shell of a waiting station, with a
Norwood sign on top, is all that remains.
The Serenity Singers sang the Star
Spangled Banner to open the Fire Lighting
Ceremony at 7 P.M. on Friday May 21, 2004 with John-John lighting the fire,
Redbird doing the readings. Mama JO and Spike followed by saluting the four
winds along with the rest of the Hoboes and others present. Back in Blue
Springs, MO late Friday night, Mama JO prepared BBQ and meat loaf while Just Pat
did KP duty. Saturday, a Hobo contingent including Serenity, Baloney Kid, Just
Pat, Shelly, Big John, Uncle John Potlicker, Jackie, Mama JO, Sunrise, Cynthia,
Hobo Spike, and Hobo Santa provided the entertainment for a Community Service
Project in Kansas City, MO at the historic Grand Avenue Temple United Methodist
Church. This program is an Interfaith Ministry to Homeless Persons. The Church
provides housing and services to over 2,000 homeless people each year and our
Hobo Queen Mama JO has been involved in helping people overcome their
difficulties and get back on their feet for many years.

Saturday at camp started out as a bright sun shiny day with the Hoboes
tending the grounds, keeping the fire going, and just being hoboes-doing nothing
after chores. New arrivals were welcomed into camp and small groups gathered
throughout the campground to renew acquaintances, tell tall tales, and
participate in just general BS. In some cases, I guess old scores were settled.
As Grandpa Dudley arrived in camp, Ohio Tom attacked Grandpa in his vehicle. It
seems that these boys got into it down in Amory, MS fighting over a candy bar
and Grandpa got the best of Tom. Tom couldn’t quite remember the Amory scuffle
details as Grandpa knocked him out with a crowbar, but Tom remembered enough to
seek revenge. It took Redbird, Preacher Steve, Tuck, and Lady Nightingale to
pull Tom off, as Grandpa slumped unconscious inside the van. Camp security was
put on ORANGE HIGH ALERT and Tom was escorted out of camp not to be seen for
several hours. Baloney Kid brought to my attention that Ohio Tom was back in
camp and was indeed again causing trouble. As Tom is a person of considerable
size, we thought best that several hoboes should tend to the
"problem." It seems that the fight was gone from our stereotypical
hobo as you can see in the following pictures.

Years and years of good public
relations fell by the wayside as Ohio Tom lay by the bandstand in full public
view. BeGone Norm said the only consolation was that Tom couldn’t sing or play
his harmonica. Tom was coherent enough to be heard mumbling something
about, "I’ll get that Troll in Britt." The Hobo Executive Council
has a meeting set for next month to discuss this ongoing and troubling matter.

Baloney & I stopped in to see Kellie at the world famous Main Street
Liquor Store in Ottawa Saturday night as we were short on seltzer and napkins!
Kellie asked how things were at camp and wanted to know if the "Angry
Hobo" showed up at camp. It turns out that the "Angry Hobo" was
Ohio Tom. Earlier, he
became belligerent when Kellie didn’t have any gallon
jugs of Thunderbird wine and he bought a case of Busch beer instead. Kellie also
asked if NY Greenie and GrainCar Geo were in town this year, as she hadn’t seen
them as yet. She said that Greenie is sure a cutie!

The Midland Railway Excursion Train arrived throughout the day with numerous
passengers young and old. The Midland Railway is a completely volunteer-staffed,
non-profit, railroad operated to preserve transportation history. This excursion train operates on a line constructed in
1867. The train travels about 5 miles from Baldwin City to Norwood, the location
of the Hobo Camp, and then another 5 miles to Ottawa Junction.
Here's three refurbished buildings on Main Street-Hwy 59 in Ottawa,

It appears that the Hobo community might have picked up a couple of new
Hoboes in spite of Ohio Tom’s carrying on. Hobo Phil appeared ready to sign
his Union 63 card. In addition, Tommy Steichen, the kid with the bad smoking
habit, was seen talking to Mama JO about joining up with the Hoboes. The Hobo
musicians entertained the railway guests throughout the day. Appearing at the
Hobo stage were Danville Dan, Baloney Kid, The Flying Hobo, Serenity Singers,
Sunrise, Dizzy, Big John, Grandpa Dudley, Uncle John Potlicker and Jackie, MAD
Mary, and Ohio Tom.

The Hoboes had tables set up to sell their handmade items. Ohio Tom sold
Train Whistles made from rail road spikes, while Danville Dan sold walking
sticks, and Baloney Kid sold a wide variety of handmade items including
personalized railroad spikes. Lady Marie was tending a table with the popular
"Monkey Fist" necklaces. The "Monkey’s Fist" knot has been
adopted, in current times, by the Hobo Community as a symbol of sorority and
fraternity. The bargain of the day was the FREE tapes given away by Grandpa Dudley and
the Serenity Group.

Mama JO and Hobo Spike tended to dubbings and presenting awards on Saturday
evening under a clear and beautiful sky. Of special note, David Waits and Anita
Louison were dubbed by Mama JO and King Spike for their consideration in
allowing Mama JO to serve as Hobo Queen throughout the year of her reign. David
is Mama JO’s bossman and Anita is a responsible co-worker. Both received a
large round of applause from the Hoboes. Hobo Wedding vows were recited by Uncle
John Potlicker and Jackie.
In addition, a memorial to DeRail-Sharon Fahey was directed by Mama JO and
Spike. A candle was lit by each hobo in Memory of our 2001 Hobo queen. DeRail
had died unexpectedly on December 31, 2003. Testimony to DeRail’s love for the
Hobo family was presented by many Hoboes, including The Flying Hobo. DeRail’s
son and daughter-in-law, Shaun and Luann were in attendance along with Derail’s
grandchild Taylor. A memorial service will also be held at the Britt, IA
National gathering.

Sunday opened up with Grandpa Dudley holding Church Service around the Hobo
fire. Sunrise and the Serenity Ladies provided musical accompaniment. Grandpa,
being the good person he is, asked that we pray for the troubled Ohio Tom.
Sunday brought more Train Visitors throughout the day and I noticed that a
few of our Hoboes could not resist the urge to "jump" this four car
excursion train. As Conductor Doug looked left, Milwaukee Mike approached from the
right along with Junque Box Lady. Loco Larry was right
behind them. Not the fastest boarding Trio I’ve ever observed, but off they
went unnoticed for a free ride. Redbird, always alert, caught sight of
Milwaukee Mike and told me that Mike’s in training for an undisclosed upcoming
journey. The younger Hoboes were better at stealth and I didn’t see them until
they appeared on top of the caboose! Dizzy and John-John represent the speed
within this Hobo camp and rode off into the sunset.
Hobo Santa, apparently hungry again, was observed foraging for food in the
camp dumpster. Happy Hobo and Side Track Chris checked out early Sunday along
with Grandpa and Mary as they each have a full day’s drive to get home.
Sunrise and Cynthia had to have one more train ride, so they headed back to the
depot. Danville Dan was going to hang around with the Baloney Kid to sell more
items to the next group of train riders. Dizzy, John-John, and Rainbow were
looking for work. Redbird was cool as always, taking life in full stride, and we
talked about walking the Route 66 Chain of Rocks Bridge over the Mississippi
river into Illinois one more time. Most everyone else was enjoying the rest of
the day and making plans to head 120 miles south to Parsons, KS for the Hobo
gathering next week. I loaded up the ’72 Chevy, picked up Just Pat at Mama JO’s
Capri Trailer and started east for the 300 miles back to St Louis.

Baldwin City - Norwood - Ottawa
All good times St Louis Frank - May 24, 2004
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Page added 6-1-2004
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