PT Cruiser Event
Meet Me in St Louis on Route 66
July 28-30, 2006

Approximately 150 PT Cruiser owners took over the parking lot at Doubletree
Hotel at I-270
& Page on the West side of St. Louis, MO the weekend of July
28-30, 2006. Twenty-one
states were represented along with one cruiser
from Canada for the 4th annual "Meet Me
in St Louis on Route
66". MMISL benefits the Children's Miracle Network of non-profit
across North America. The registration fee of $50 included 2
tickets for the awards breakfast
on Sunday, dash plaque, T-shirt, and a goody
bag containing automotive related items.
Here's some of the fun loving people in attendance.

Friday's agenda included contests for the children, door prizes, a silent
auction, a limbo
contest, and a 50/50 raffle. In addition a banquet buffet
ticket could be purchased for $19
which included a large assortment of chicken,
pork, rice, sweet breads, fresh berries, and punch.
A vegetarian meal of
pasta in cream sauce was also included.

After the delicious buffet, Hula
lessons were given by Polynesian Peggy and quite a
few people
took to the
dance floor to show their stuff. A scavenger hunt, twist
contest, and
games followed to the delight of the 300+ attendees.
Friday went
off without a hitch and the
Luau officially closed at 11:00 P.M.

While this was only the 4th year, I must say that the event was very orderly
and all activities
took place on time as scheduled. Upon arrival, you were
directed to a classification/check-in tent
and then ushered to the PT Cruiser
parking lot to an assigned spot. After parking, it was a short
walk to the
indoor Cruiser registration table to receive your Name Tag, Goody Bag, and a
prepared Agenda listing the times and location of all events for the
three day gathering.
Here's some of the beautiful PT Cruisers.

Saturday Jul 29, 2006 started early with vendors setting up their tents at
7:00 A.M.
Many of the PT Cruiser enthusiasts were also up early tending to
the detailing of autos
the judges made their rounds. Judging began
around 10:00 A.M. and
continued well
into the day to review all 150

It was a bright sun shiny day in St Louis and temperatures were
close to 100 degrees by noon!
Possibly hotter out on the parking
lot. The heat didn't stop the activities of a children's sponge
toss and a giant tricycle ride contest. Remote control mini PT Cruisers
races were held for
several age limits. In late afternoon, Abdel Seghiri
won the "White Castle" eating contest.
I'm not sure of the exact
number, but Abdel won handily. Several food vendors were operating
the day offering funnel cakes, hot dogs, shish-ka-bobs, burgers, brats, fresh
and assorted soda. Three or four Cruiser vendors were offering
chrome parts, personalized hats,
t-shirts, and chairs. Representatives of
The Missouri Route 66 organization were also on hand as
Route 66 cuts prominently through St. Louis and the state of Missouri. Robert Schulz,
along with board members Bob Gehl and Fran Eickhoff handed out Route
66 info and membership
applications at the association tent. Learn about
the Route 66 Association at
After a hot day, late afternoon brought a quick storm to the area and vendors
and participants
were caught in a downpour and hustled to safeguard their
wares. Almost everyone got caught in
the rain, however the storm passed
through St. Louis and everyone gathered back in the
parking lot at 7:30 P.M. for
the Parade & Neon Light Show. The events for the day ended after
Light Show and participants were on their own for the rest of the evening.
There were some reports that the Kitchener attendees from Canada were spotted
to the hotel in the wee, wee, hours after hitting the Soulard joints
with St. Louis Frank!

7:30 A.M. Sunday July 30, 2006 found a long line waiting for the Buffet doors
to open.
No problem, two full buffet tables were ready and four lines of
PT Cruiser folks made
their way through for a well stocked and hot
breakfast. I heard no complaints about
excessive waiting in line or
complaints about the food.

John Caruso opened the awards ceremony promptly
and was assisted by other officers in
awarding the prizes for the contests and
auto awards. A $5 raffle ticket was all Deb Stier
needed to win the SUPER
CRUISE 5-7 day fully paid vacation for two! A cruise of Deb's choice
to the Caribbean, Jamaica, Bahamas, or Mexico. You can see Bob Spier
smiling in the
photo as he assumes he'll be Deb's guest? maybe? The
vacation package has a value
of $2,000 - congratulations Deb and Bob.

Some of the PT Cruiser Award winners:
Peoples Choice Award - Pat Liles, Denver, CO - FYRnICE
Best Display - Darlene Koch - St Louis, MO - Betty Boop
Special Edition Super Modified - Rick Barteck - Ottawa, OH - PT Titan
Best Neon - Chris Cronin - Jonesborough, TN - Fab
Miss Barteck received a trophy for the Limbo contest
This unique Dash Plaque was designed by Marc of St Louis
This was my first PT Cruiser gathering as my wife-PT Pat had just purchased a
2003 Cruiser
two months ago. I didn't get a chance to meet everyone of the
300+ attendees, but I did
meet many very nice people. Since the PT Cruiser is
new to us, I took the opportunity to bother
several of the people on the parking
lot for advice.
I'll mention some of the helpful people we met. The
Iowa folks were a great group and
especially John of Sheldahl, IA with many
ideas from 28 years doing his own body shop work.
Jeff from Muncie, IN has
a beautifully decked out red PT with eye lids, visor, fender skirts,
and plenty
of chrome. Jeff took time to visit with Patricia & me and gave us
plenty of ideas.
Merry W. , the lone participant from Texas, took time to
tell us about Texas and introduce us to
her Alabama friends.
PT Pat,
Wisconsin born, especially enjoyed visiting with the
Manitowoc, WI guys Bob
& Don and Proud fellow Cheeseheads
Maureen & Shannon from Beaver Dam, WI.
Some statistics were noted as follows: 2001 PT's recorded the greatest number
of autos;
Indiana & Missouri recorded the most participants; Limited
Editions were the highest model
registered; Infernal Red was the most
popular color registered.
A great time by all and we're looking forward to future gathering.

St Louis Frank & PT Pat July 30, 2006
Page added August 7, 2006
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Cruiser" page
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