Moonshine Store

215 miles from Chicago - 212 miles from Cincinnati - 140 miles from St. Louis -
100 miles from Indianapolis, and for you city folk, here's the best directions I've got:
Git yourself to
exit 119 on Interstate 70. Only 18 miles to go! Exit 119 is also
IL-130 go South
3 miles and take a left on HAZEL DELL Road which is also known
as CR-4. After approx
7 miles, CR-4 becomes IL-49. After 1.7 miles,
take a Right onto E 400th Road which is
also CR-26. After about 3.5 miles
take a left onto E 400th Road which is also CR-11.
Wheeeee, having fun
yet? After 2 miles, hang a right on N 600th Street. 1 mile down the
road you'll be at a stop sign, just look to the left and try to find a place to
park-you're at the
Moonshine Store! It's a great time finding your way and
you'll feel a sense of adventure.

When you're passing through the small (don't blink) town of Hazel Dell, be
sure to
stop at the Bakery at 119 South Pine St and get
a slice of home made pie
from the owner
Kathy Smith. Home cookin' at it's best and you won't be

If you get lost, call 618 569-9200 and ask someone to guide you on in.
Jimmie Staten spends
a fair amount of his time giving telephone directions to
first timers. In 2003, CBS Sunday
Morning broadcast a story about the store which widely publicized this small country place.
People from all 50
states have signed the guest book located at the checkout counter. On a
visit in 2006, I talked to people from Missouri, Florida, Indiana, and
Kansas while eating lunch
at one of the dozen picnic tables next to the store.

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