Blues City Deli


Blues City Deli

Corner of McNair & Victor Streets - St Louis, MO
314 773-8225

If you like po' boy sandwiches, you'll love Vinnie's place.
Blues music playing in the background with fresh Italian
homeboy food and live blues periodically.

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Vinnie held his 5th Anniversary Party on Oct. 17, 2009.  What a crowd!  What a Show!
Rum Drum Ramblers, Miss Jubilee, The Humdingers, Elliot Sowell, Chris Ruest, Sal Ruelas,
Joe Meyer, Funky Butt Brass, Big Mike, and Los Carnales.  Looked like rain but it
was a beautiful day at Vinnies with good food, good friends and good music.
Linda was out cuttin' a rug, so you know it was a party!

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